Tuesday, June 17, 2008

It's Not Sexy

"Homeless people had always scared me....Finally, grudgingly and nervously, I embarked on what I hoped would be a one-time mission. Instead, it became a labor of love that changed my life." - Danielle Steel

I'm drawn to working to end homelessness for the reason that many folks prefer not to think about it: It's not sexy. It's not easy. It's hard.

Homeless folks are generally not cute, fuzzy creatures. It's easy to blame them for their dire circumstances since, almost always, their own personal, messed-up choices have led them to the streets. They take one step forward and twenty-seven steps back. They can be mean and ungrateful and hard to love.

...and yet, the folks working at Genesis Home do. I do.

There, but by the grace of God, go I.....

Romance novelist Danieelle Steele knows all about how to turn our desire for that which is pretty, sexy, and easy to love into dollars, but she's recently come out about her work to end homelessness. Read all about it HERE.